Configuration of IDE Harddisks
I put this together primarily for my technicians at my
University. Feel free to use this information, however, this information is
for convenience ONLY, and I make no promises as to the validity of the
information contained herein. Also, I cannot look up drives for you. If you
need this information, and it is not in this file, contact Micro House
Technical Library at 303-443-3389. They may have products you can get that
will get you the information you seek. Good Luck.
This is a copy, *** Source
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Table of Contents
Phone Numbers
Calculate Disk Capacity
The following formula can be used if your BIOS does not supply the capacity for
the drive types, of if you have two of the drives parameters and need the third.
Capacity in megabytes= (cylinders) (heads) (sectors per track) / 1,048,576
Cylinders = Total usable drive cylinders
Heads = Drive's data heads
Sectors per Track (SPT) = MFM Drives use 17 SPT, RLL use 26, and ESDI,
IDE and SCSI can have as many as 100 SPT.
Sector size = Usually 512. This figure is not supplied by the
BIOS tables, but by DOS.
1,048,576 = 1 megabyte exactly
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BJ7D5A 94155-48 94335-100 94166-141 94171-300 736 SABRE
BJ7D5A 94295-51 94355-55 94166-182 94171-344 850 SABRE
BJ7D5A 94155-57 94355-100 94186-383 94181-574 1230 SABRE
94155-21 94155-67 94155-135 94186-383H 94208-51
94155-25 94155-77 94205-77 94186-442 94211-91
94155-28 94155-85 94355-150 94216-106 94221-190
94155-36 94155-86 94335-150 94356-200 94351-172
94155-38 94205-51 94156-48 94161-86 368 SABRE
94335-55 94156-67 94166-101 94161-121 500 SABRE
CP342 CP2034 CP2084 CP3044 CP3104 CP3204 CP30084
CP344 CP2044 CP3000 CP2124 CP3111 CP3204F CP30104
CP2024 CP2064 CP3024 CP3184 CP3114 CP30064 CP30084E
CP30174E CP30174E CP3304 CP3544
CP30204 CP30204 CP3364 CP3554
CP30254 CP30254 CP3504 CP30101
M2611T M2612ET M2613ET M2614ET M2618T M2622T M2623T M2624T
Hewlett Packard
WDA-L160 WDA-L42 IBM 85 MB IDE (number not known)
KL3100 KL3120
LXT-200A 2585A 7120A
LXT-213A 7040A 7131AT
LXT-340A 7060A 7213A
LXT437A 7080A 7245A
2105A 2112A
7100-00 8040-00 7070-20 7100-00 7100-20 8040
8225AT 8051AT 8450AT
D3735 D3755 D3756 D3741
210AT LPS170AT LPS540A
425AT LPS240AT
RO3058A RO3088A RO3095A RO3128A RO3135A RO3059A RO3089A
RO3129A RO3139A RO3209A RO3259A
SHD-3101A SHD-3061A SHD-3062A
ST1057a ST1144a ST138a ST274a ST3283a
ST1090a ST1156a ST1400a ST280a ST351ax
ST1102a ST1162a ST1401a ST3051a ST9051a
ST1111a ST1186a ST1480a ST3096a ST9077a
ST1126a ST1201a ST157a ST3120a ST9096a
ST1133a ST1239a ST2274a ST3144a ST9144a
ST3243A ST125a ST2383a ST325ax
ST9235A (maybe others)
MK1122FC MK2024FC MK2124FC MK2224FC MK234FCH MK234FCF
Western Digital
WDAC140 WDAC280 WDAC1170 WDAC2120 WDAC2170 WDAC2200 WDAC2250
WDAC2340 WDAC2420 WD93044-A WDAH260 WDAH280 WDAP4200
Manufacturer: ALPS ELECTRIC Co.
BIOS settings:
Model Heads Cylinders Sectors L-Zone Size
DR311C 14 868 17 868 105 MB
(Real geometry of drive:
2108 cyl. 2 heads 49 sectors/track
32k internal cache)
Master drive & no slaves present: jumpers on C/D and -ACT.
No other jumpers installed, function unknown.
Return to Table of Contents
I have the feeling that not all of these are IDE...
BJ7D5A 77731614 5.25FH 23 670 4 375 375 M 5 17
BJ7D5A 77731608 5.25FH 29 670 5 375 375 M 5 17
BJ7D5A 77731613 733 5 - - 5 17
94155-21 WREN-1 5.25FH 21 697 3 698 698 M 5 28 MS 17
94155-25 24 697 4 698 128 M 5 17
94155-28 24 697 4 698 128 M 5 17
94155-36 WREN-1 5.25FH 36 697 5 698 698 M 5 28 MS 17
94155-38 31 733 5 734 128 M 5 17
94155-48 WREN-2 5.25FH 40 925 5 926 926 M 5 28 MS 17
94295-51 WREN-2 5.25FH 43 989 5 990 990 M 5 28 MS 17
94155-57 WREN-2 5.25FH 48 925 6 926 926 M 5 28 MS 17
94155-67 WREN-2 5.25FH 56 925 7 926 926 M 5 28 MS 17
94155-77 WREN-2 64 925 8 926 926 M 5 17
94155-85 WREN-2 5.25FH 71 1024 8 - - M 5 28 MS 17
94155-86 WREN-2 5.25FH 72 925 9 926 926 M 5 28 MS 17
94205-51 5.25HH 43 989 5 990 128 M 5 32 MS 17
94335-55 3.5" 46 - 5 - - M 5 25 MS 17
94335-100 3.5" 83 - 9 - - M 5 25 MS 17
94355-55 SWIFT-2 3.5" 46 - 5 - - M 5 16.5 MS 17
94355-100 3.5" 83 - 9 - - M 5 16.5 MS 17
ST-506 RLL
94155-135 WREN-2 5.25HH 115 960 9 - - R 7.5 28 MS 26
94205-77 WREN-2 5.25HH 63 989 5 - - R 7.5 28 MS 26
94355-150 3.5" 128 - 9 - - R 7.5 16.5 MS 26
94335-150 3.5" 128 - 9 - - R 7.5 25 MS 26
94156-48 WREN-2 40 925 5 926 926 N 5 28 MS
94156-67 WREN-2 56 925 7 926 926 N 5
94156-86 WREN-2 72 925 9 926 926 N 5
94166-101 WREN-3 5.25FH 86 969 5 970 970 N 10 16.5 MS
94166-141 WREN-3 5.25FH 121 969 7 970 970 N 10 16.5 MS
94166-182 WREN-3 5.25FH 155 969 9 970 970 N 10 16.5 MS
94186-383 WREN V 5.25FH 383 1412 13 - - R/N 10 8.3 MS
94186-383H WREN V 5.25FH 383 1224 15 - - R/N 10 14.5 MS
94186-442 WREN V 5.25FH 442 1412 15 - - R/N 10 16 MS
94216-106 WREN-3 5.25FH 91 969 - - - N 10 16.5 MS
94356-200 SWIFT 3 3.5" 172 - 9 - - R/N 10 16.5 MS
WREN III 5.25HH 106 969 5 - - R/N 10 18 MS
94161-86 WREN-3 5.25FH 86 969 - - - 16.5 MS
94161-121 WREN-3 5.25FH 121 969 - - - 16.5 MS
94171-300 WREN-4 5.25FH 300 1365 9 - - R 16.5 MS
94171-344 WREN V 5.25FH 344 1549 9 - - Z 9-15 17.5 MS
94181-574 WREN V 5.25FH 574 1549 15 - - Z 9-15 16 MS
94211-91 WREN-3 5.25FH 91 969 - - - 16.5 MS
94221-190 WREN V 5.25HH 190 1547 5 - - R 10-15 8.3 MS
94351-172 SWIFT 4 3.5" 172 - 9 - - 10 16.5MS
WREN III 5.25HH 106 969 5 - - R/N 10 18 MS
368 SABRE 8" 368 - 10 - - 1.8 18 MS
500 SABRE 8" 500 - 10 - - 2.4 18 MS
736 SABRE 8" 741 - 15 - - 1.8 16 MS
850 SABRE 8" 851 - 15 - - 2.4 16 MS
1230 SABRE 8" 1236 1635 15 - - 2.4
R = RLL (run length limited)
N = NRZ (non return to zero)
M = MFM (modified frequency modulation)
Jumpers are not know (yet).
Return to Table of Contents
Conner drives are low level formatted at the factory. It is only necessary to r
Model Hds Cyls Sec Pcomp L-Zone Type Table LED
CP342 4 805 26 0 805 17 n/a A
CP344 4 805 26 0 805 17 1 A
CP2024 2 653 32 0 653 2 3 n/a
CP2034 2 823 38 0 823 *UT 3 n/a
CP2044 4 552 38 0 552 17 3 n/a
CP2064 4 823 38 0 823 *UT 3 n/a
CP2084 8 548 38 0 548 *UT 3 n/a
CP3000 2 1047 40 0 1047 17 1 A
CP3024 2 636 33 0 636 2 1 A
CP3044 1 1047 40 0 1047 17 1 A
5 980 17 (also reported)
CP2124 8 560 53 0 560 *UT 3 n/a
CP3184 6 832 33 0 832 *UT 1 A
CP3104 8 776 33 0 776 *UT 1 A
CP3111 8 833 33 0 833 *UT 1 A(?)
CP3114 8 832 33 0 832 *UT 1 A
CP3204 16 683 38 0 683 *UT 2 B
CP3204F 16 683 38 0 683 *UT 3 B
CP30064 4 762 39 0 762 *UT 2 B
CP30084 8 526 39 0 526 *UT 2 B
CP30104 8 762 39 0 762 *UT 2 B
CP30084E 4 903 46 0 903 *UT 4 C
CP30174E 8 903 46 0 903 *UT 4 C
CP30204 16 683 38 0 683 *UT 4 C
CP30254 see below
CP3304 16 659 63 0 659 *UT 4 D
CP3364 16 702 63 0 702 *UT 4 C
CP3504 16 987 63 0 987 *UT 4 D
CP3544 16 1024 63 0 1024 *UT 4 C
CP3554 16 1054 63 0 1054 *UT 3 B
CP30126 8 762 39 0 762 (116 Mb)
Table 1 jumper settings:
Single drive = Jumper ACT and C/D
Master drive = Jumper ACT, C/D and DSP.
Slave drive = No jumpers installed.
Table 2 jumper settings:
Single drive = Jumper E2
Master drive = Jumper E1 & E2
Slave drive = No jumpers installed.
Table 3 jumper settings:
Single Drive = Jumper C/D
Master Drive = Jumper C/D and DSP
Slave Drive = No jumpers installed
Table 4 jumper settings:
Single and Master drive = Jumper C/D
Slave drive = no jumper
VE TYPE 17. *
UT = Universal translate. Select a drive type that is close to, but does not ex
ceed the megabyte capacity of the drive. The drive will translate to the megaby
te capacity you have selected.
A: J-4 B: J-1 C: J-5 D: J-3
Pin 1 = + Pin 3 = + Pin 3 = + Pin 3 = +
Pin 2 = - Pin 4 = - Pin 4 = - Pin 4 = -
Conner drives are low level formatted at the factory. It is only necessary
Comment concerning CP3000 jumpers:
According to your list, all Conners should be 2 or 3 jumpers only.
That's why I'm puzzled with the 4-jumper Conner CP-3000.
In addition to the common jumpers present in
Conner - C/D, DSP & ACT, there is an extra one: HSP
By trial and error, HSP seems to follow DSP setting.
> When I installed a Conner CP3204F (203 MB) as master and a WD Caviar 2200
> (203 MB) as slave, both with and without the "CP" jumper, the Caviar had
> seemingly normal behaviour. However, when doing writes to the Caviar, once
> in a while it would overwrite directories etc. Using FASTBACK was almost
> impossible.
> The workaround is to install the Caviar as the master, and the Conner
> as the slave.
information: I am slaving a Conner CP3000 40Meg to a Western Digital
Caviar 2200 212 Meg.
the results: I first found out that pin 1 on the CP3000 was LABELED
INCORRECTLY on the PC board....had to flip the IDE cable (which made the
cable install much more cleanly- no flips....shoulda been my first clue
that something was not correct, oh well)
next: I had to DOS-format the CP3000 ALONE on the PC system before it
wanted to work with the WD caviar.... weird
also: the WD Caviar is partitioned: C:\ was the first 100 Meg and D:\ was
the second 100 Meg. After the CMOS was correctly configured and the
drives brought online, the PC AUTOMATICALLY assigned the drives as thus:
C:\ first 100 Meg partition on the WD
D:\ 40 Meg Conner
E:\ second 100 Meg partition on the WD
even FDISK reports the above.
Conner CP 30254
Capacity: 250 MB
Dimensions: 3,5 inch, lowprofile (1 inch)
IDE interface
Cylinders Heads Sectors
Physical specs.: 1985 4 62
Logical specs.: 895 10 55
seek time 12 ms
Rotation speed 4542 rpm
jumpers C/D
1 drive master Y
2 drive master Y
2 drive slave N/Y
Subject: Re: Conner CP 30254
I tried several combination and even called Conner for info on
configuring two Conner drives as master (301??, a 300+ M Connder
drive) and slave (30254). The jumpers that worked are:
Pins Jumpers
Master 1-2 Y (factory setting)
3-4 Y (factory setting)
Slave 1-2 N
3-4 Y (factory setting)
So the C/D should mape to Y/N instead of N/Y in the table.
Some notes made whilst configuring a pair of Conner IDE drives
for Master/Slave operation from Hyundai Super-LT6 Laptop 386sx-20.
Final Working Configuration
Drive 1: CP3000 40 Mb Type 17
977 cyl 5 hds 17 sec/trk Pre 300 LZ 977
Verified configuration as per Grammes' list. HSP does need to
follow DSP (empirically) - failure to do so produced behaviour
such as LCD screen display scrambling on ROM boot.
Single, Master and Slave configurations all checked out.
Drive 2: CFA170A 170 Mb Unknown type
332 cyl 16 hds 63 sec/trk Pre --- LZ ---
Did not appear on Grammes' list. Successful configuration resulted
close to that shown as Table 3 for Conner drives, as follows:
Single 2 links (not C)/D and (not A)/(?)
Master 1 link (not C)/D
Slave 0 links
One link is listed here as (not A)/(?) due to a hole being drilled
through the (?) part of the silk screening ...
The drives worked together as either slave or master ...
Connor CP30101
760 cyl, 8 hds, Precomp -1, Landing 760, Sec/Track 39, ECC 7 Capacity 121.41M
Model CP342 disk (40 Meg IDE drive)
Single Drive: E5, E7 jumpers IN
Master Drive: E6, E7 jumpers IN
Slave Drive: E7 jumper IN
In addition, this is an old disk drive. It was factory configured to
use 3:1 interleave. This can cause timing problems with newer disk
drives that are configured for 1:1 interleave when using the same IDE
controller. The CONNER tech support person suggested I only use the
CONNER drive as a SLAVE with the newer disk as the MASTER.
This configuration (MAXTOR 7345A as MASTER and CONNER CP342 as SLAVE)
has now been in use for over a week and seems to be working fine.
Return to Table of Contents
M2614ET M2613ET M2612ET M2611T
Heads (physical) 8 6 4 2
Cyl (physical) 1334 1334 1334 1334
Sec/trk 33 33 33 33
Speed (rpm) 3490 3490 3490 3490
Capacity 180MB 135MB 90MB 45MB
| |
+--+ |
PSU | | CNH-2 |
+--+ 1 |
1 | | . LED |
| | CNH-1 9 CNH-3 Connector |
| | 1 6..1 o o |
40-way | | . | | |
IDE | | . |
| | . |
| | 12 |
+--+ |
Pin Function
* 1- 2 Active mode
2- 3 Slave present mode
4- 5 Pin 27=IOCHRDY
7- 8 2 drive system
* 8- 9 1 drive system
10-11 Pin 29=IRQ14 : Pin 31=RESERVED
* 11-12 Pin 31=IRQ14 : Pin 29=RESERVED
Pin Function
1- 2 SLAVE drive mode
CNH-2 JUMPERS * 4- 5 MASTER drive mode
7- 8 ECC 4 bytes
* 8- 9 ECC 7 bytes
Pin Function
1- 2 Write protect enabled
CNH-3 JUMPERS * 2- 3 Write protect disabled
4- 5 -6 Reserved
Key: * (I guess!) marks factory default setting for jumper
BIOS setting for the M2614ET in my system is 667 cylinders, 33 sectors
and 16 heads.
> I was trying to set my IDE drive in the subject above to a slave drive for
> A Conner 170MB drive and contacting the support company gave me this answer (which works). The factory default on SW2 is On Off Off Off Off Off (1-6). This sets the drive to be a single drive. Setting SW2 to Off On On Off Off Off makes it a slave drive.
M2622T 1013 10 63 326.75
M2623T 1002 13 63 420.16
M2624T 995 16 63 513.51
There are 6 switches on the switch block on these drives. Only 4 of
them have a use that I am aware of (from my M2624T manual):
Master/Slave Master (*) SW1-5 OFF
Slave SW1-5 ON
ECC bytes 4 bytes (*) SW1-4 OFF
7 bytes SW1-4 ON
Write Protect Disabled (*) SW1-3 OFF
Enabled SW1-3 ON
IO Channel Ready Disabled (*) SW1-1 OFF
Enabled SW1-1 ON
I have no idea about the function of SW1-2 and SW1-6. The values
listed with a (*) are the factory default settings.
M2618T 202MB Cyl/hd/spt 718 12 48
Return to Table of Contents
Hewlett Packard
C2233 227 MB Cyl/hd/spt 733 12 53
Return to Table of Contents
WDA-L160 163 MB Cyl/hd/spt 984 10 34
WDA-L42 42MB Cyl/hd/spt 977 5 17
Jumpers for IBM WDA-L160:
Fit JP2 for Master or single drive
Remove JP2 and fit JP3 for Slave
JP1 appears to be always fitted.
Functions of other jumpers unknown at present.
Position of jumpers:
| Drive Mechanism |
| |
PCB . . . .
. . . .
JP 4 3 2 1
IBM 85 M IDE (number not known)
10 Heads 984 Cylinders 17 Sectors 0 WPC 984 LZ
Patches as for L160 above
IBM H3256, 256 Mb
Pin numbers
Master active 1-2
Slave active 3-4
Cable sel 5-6
LED drive lines 13-14
Note: LED connections, pin 13 can source up to 18 mA. Pin 14 can sink up to 100 mA.
The jumper positions JP1, JP2, JP3 must not be selected concurrently.
Return to Table of Contents
JD-E2085M 79 MB Cyl/hd/spt 973 4 43
Return to Table of Contents
KALOK KL3100 105 MB
BIOS: cyl 979 heads 6 sectors 35
KALOK KL3120 120 MB
BIOS: Cyl 981 heads 6 sectors 40
The following jumper settings have been reported for KL3100 but are probably
also valid for other Kalok drives.
Single HD:
o o o o o
o o o o-o <-- same row as pin 1 of the IDE connector.
Master (disk 1):
o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o
These 5 pairs of pins are at the righthand side of the disk.
Return to Table of Contents
Model Cyls Heads Sectors Precomp Landing Zone
---------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------------
LXT-200A 816 15 32 0 816
LXT-213A 683 16 38 0 683
LXT-340A 654 16 63 0 654
LXT437A 842 16 63 0 842
LXT535A 1036 16 63 0 1024
Jumpers are as follows:
The bottom of the drive looks like this (well, sort of):
| o o 1-2 |
| o o 3-4 |
| o o 5-6 |
| o o 7-8 |
| o o 9-10 |
| |
Single drive Dual Drive System
Pin numbers Jumper System Master Slave
----------- ------ ------------ ------ -----
1-2 Slave Drive remove remove install
3-4 Activity LED optional optional optional
5-6 Slave Present remove remove optional
7-8 Master Drive remove install remove
9-10 Sync Spindle remove (n/a) optional* remove
* only one drive (the master) in an array should have this jumper installed.
Hd Cyl spt
Maxtor 2585A 10 981 17
Maxtor 7060A 16 467 17 62,0 J14 closed, J13 closed
Maxtor 7060A 7 1024 17 59,5 J14 open, J13 open
Maxtor 7060A 4 762 39 58,0 J14 closed, J13 open
Maxtor 7060A 8 925 17 57,9 J14 open, J13 closed
Maxtor 7120A 16 936 17 124,3 J14 closed, J13 closed
Maxtor 7120A 14 1024 17 119,0 j14 open, J13 open
Maxtor 7120A 8 762 39 116,0 J14 closed, J13 open
Maxtor 7120A 15 900 17 112,0 J14 open, J13 closed
Maxtor 7120A 8 824 33 106,2 J14
Jumpers for the above 2 drives:
J11 I/O-channel ready ( open: disabled; close: enabled )
J13 see above
J14 see above
J15 operation-status ( open: normal; close: factory )
2 1 1 1 1
0 9 8 7 6
Power data-cable
J16: Idle mode latch ( open: disabled; close: enabled )
J17: drive model ( open: 7060A; close 7120A )
J18: ECC Bytes ( open: 7 bytes; close: 4 bytes )
Master/Slave: drive is master and alone : J20 closed, J19 closed
drive is master of two drives: J20 closed, J19 open
drive is slave of two drives : J20 open , J19 closed
Maxtor 7213A
Default (power-up) AT BIOS Translation Parameters (others possible)
Cyl Hds SpT MBytes
683 16 38 212
There are two sets of jumpers. A set of 5 and a set of
4. With the power and IDE connector toward you, the set of 5 is
numbered (left to right) J16 - J20 , and the set of 4 is numbered
(bottom to top) J22-J25.
The only jumper of normal interest is J20. Jumper it for only
drive in a single drive system, or master drive in a dual drive
Remove the jumper J20 for slave drive in a dual drive system.
J19 is a dummy and may be used to store the spare shunt if the
drive is configured for a slave mode.
Jumpers J17, J18, J24, J25 are factory reserved. Abnormal operation
may occur if jumpered.
Jumper 22 is sync spindle enabled/disabled (open=disabled)
Jumper 23 is sync slave/master (open=slave)
Jumper 16 is I/O Channel Ready (open=disabled)
Maxtor 7245A (245Mb IDE; self-parking; Universal Translate):
Drive type : User defineable
Cyl Hds WPC LZ S/T
967 16 0 0 31 (WPC and LZ optional)
Master(2): J20 closed
Slave(2): J20 open (use J19 for shunt storage)
Single: J20 closed
Basic Specifications
Formated Data Sect. Average
Model Capacity Cylinders Heads Disks Track Cache Seek Time
7080A 82.2 MB 1.170 4 2 36 32k 17ms
7040A 41.1 MB 1.170 2 1 36 32k 17ms
AT BIOS Translation Parameters
Model Cyls Heads Spt MB | Model Cyls Heads Spt MB
7080A 1039 9 18 82.1 | 7040A 524 4 40 40.9
981 10 17 81.4 | 981 4 17 40.7
832 6 33 80.4 | 977 5 17 40.5
497 10 33 80.0 |
1024 9 17 76.5 |
Technical Notes:
* The WPC and Landing Zone BIOS entieres do not need a specific number
for proper operation. Maxtor AT interface hard drives will ignore and
override any numbers programmed.
* Drive is low-level formated with 1:1 interleave at factory, with any
defects retired to a dedicated non-destructive zone.
* The drive's on-board controller will auto-translate every cylinder,
head, and SPT combination listed in the parameters table. Therefore,
configuration jumpers J13 and J14 are not required for most AT BIOS
setup applications.
* The 7080A is shipped with J17-J20 jumered and the 7040A is shipped
with J18-J20 jumpered to operate as single AT IDE drives. J20 and J19
control master/slave operation.
7080A / 7040A Jumper Designation
Jumper | 21111 1111 | J3 1 +12V DC J7 1 +5V
Position | 09876 5431 | 2 +12V Ground 2 +12V
| | 3 +5V Ground 3 Ground
Pins +[4321]--[1 ]--[321]+ 4 +5V DC
J3 Power Data Cable J7 Power
J20 J19 Master/Slave Select (*) Single Drive closed, closed
Master (Dual) closed, open
Slave (Dual) open, closed
J18 ECC Bytes (*) closed 4 Bytes / open 7 Bytes
J17 Drive Model open 7040A / closed 7080A
J16 Idle Mode Latch (*) open disabled / closed enabled
J15 Reserved for Factory (*) open normal / closed factory
J11 I/O Channel Ready (*) open disabled / closed enabled
J14 J13 Default Configuration at Power Up
Cyls Heads SpT MB J14 J13 (J17)
40MB (*) 981 5 17 40.7 open open open
524 4 40 40.9 open closed open
80MB (*) 981 10 17 81.4 open open closed
832 6 33 80.4 open closed closed
1024 9 17 76.5 closed open closed
(60MB) 762 4 39 58.0 closed closed closed
(*) = Default Note: A spare jumper is supplied across J13 and J14.
>I have a 7131AT maxtor in my machine and setup info as follows:
> 1002 cylinders
> 8 heads
> 32 sectors
> 0 precomp
> 1002 LZ
Return to Table of Contents
Drive 2105A 2112A
Unformatted MB 647 1220
Formatted MB 560 1050
Platters 5 8
Heads 8 15
Cylinders 1760 1760
Performance (both):
Track to track (read) 1.5 msec
Track to track (write) 2.5 msec
Average 10 msec
Max 25 msec
Avg Rotational Latency 5.56 msec
Rotational speed 5400 rpm (+/- 5%)
Data Transfer Rate upto 5Mbytes/sec
Internal data rate 24-40 Mbits/sec
BIOS Settings:
2105A 1084 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors
2112A* master 1024 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors
slave 1010 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors
* the 2112A emulates both master and slave
Jumpers (labelled J6 on the drive)
|oo| W1\ only these 2 are used
|oo| W2/
W2 W1
-- --
in in 2112A only - drive emulates both master + slave
in out Drive is master, slave is present
out in Drive is slave
out out Drive is master, no slave present (ie single drive)
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Model: 7100-00
Heads: 7
Cylinders: 855
S/T: 35 (?)
Size: 105M
Model # 8040-00.
Size 40M 5hd/17sec/977cyl
Model # cyls # heads spt lz precomp cap (formatted)
7070-20 960 5 35 960 960 86 MB
7100-00 855 7 35 855 855 107 MB
7100-20 960 7 35 960 960 120 MB
8040 1024 2 40 1024 1024 41 MB
(NOTE: I have no jumper information on the model 8040)
On the 7xxx series the jumper pins are bent parallel to the board. When
they are pointing toward you #1 is on the left, there are 8 altogether.
single drive all open
master drive 1-2 shorted
slave drive 7-8 shorted
Return to Table of Contents
8225AT 3.5" 21 745 2 - - 8 28 MS 28
8051AT 3.5" 42 745 4 - - 8 28 MS 28
8450AT 3.5" 42 745 4 - - 8 40 MS 28
Master(2): 5-6
Slave(2): 1-2
Single: 1-3 (shunt storage)
Return to Table of Contents
NEC D3735, 40 MB
BIOS: Cyl 537 Head 4 sect 41
NEC D3755, 105 MB
BIOS: Cyl 625 Head 8 sect 41
NEC D3756, 105 MB
BIOS: Cyl 1005 Head 12 sect 17
NEC D3741, 44 MB
BIOS: Cyl 423 Head 8 sect 26 WPcom 0 LZone 424
Jumper JP12 JP13 (for all above NEC drives)
Single 0 0
Master 1 0
Slave 1 1
There have been reported difficulties in using WD Caviar as Master and
NEC drives as slave - the other way it works.
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Logical Specs for Quantum AT Drives
Model Cap Avg Acc Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track
(MB) (ms)
40AT 42 19 965 5 17
80AT 84 19 965 10 17
120AT 120 15 814 9 32
170AT 168 15 968 10 34
210AT 209 15 873 13 36
425AT 426 14 1021 16 51
LPS 52AT 52 17 751 8 17
LPS 80AT 83 17 611 16 17
LPS 105AT 105 17 755 16 17
LPS 120AT 122 16 901 5 53
LPS 170AT 160 15 968 10 34
LPS 240AT 245 16 723 13 51
LPS 540A see below
Legend: 1=Jumper Installed 0=No Jumper
40 & 80 AT Jumpers
DS SS Meaning
1 0 Single drive configuration
1 1 Master of dual drive
0 0 Slave of dual drive
0 1 Self-Seek Test
120, 170, 210 & 425 AT Jumpers
DS SP SS Meaning
0 0 0 Slave when the Master is Quantum PRODRIVE other than 40/80A
0 0 1 Slave in PRODRIVE 40/80A mode
0 1 0 Slave when Master is non Quantum Drive
0 1 1 Not Used
1 0 1 Master drive PDIAG mode checking DASP for slave
1 1 0 Master in PDIAG mode using SP to check if slave present
1 1 1 Master in 40/80A mode using SP to check if slave present
1 0 0 Single drive
LPS 52, 80, 105, 120, 170 & 240 AT Jumpers
DS SP DM* Meaning
0 0 0 Slave in standard PDIAG mode for compatibility with drives that use
PDIAG-line to handle Master/Slave communications
0 0 1 Slave in PRODRIVE 40/80A mode compat. without using PDIAG line
0 1 0 Self Test
0 1 1 Self Test
1 0 0 Master in PDIAG mode using DASP to check for Slave
1 0 1 Master in 40/80A Mode using DASP to check for Slave
1 1 0 Master in PDIAG mode using SP to check for Slave without
checking DASP
1 1 1 Master in 40/80A mode using SP to check for Slave without
checking DASP
* While my Spec form marked the jumper name DM, it is labeled as CS on
my LPS 240AT drive.
Quantum LPS540A:
1120 cyl. 16 hds. 59 sec/trck 541MB
1024 cyl. 16 hds. 63 sec/trck 528MB
The second option is for those that will use the drive under DOS (1024 limit
without driver support).
9-12ms avg. access time
ECC Reed Solomon, 4,500 rpm, local bus support, fast multiword DMA, 128k cache
(of this 32k is used by firmware), read/write caching.
The QUANTUM ELS series:
Model Cap Avg Acc Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track
(MB) (ms)
ELS42AT 42 - 968 5 17
ELS85AT 85 - 977 10 17
ELS127AT 127 - 919 16 17
ELS170AT 170 - 1011 15 22
Write precomp = 0 for all Quantum drives ( probably no significance)
Landing Zone = Cylinders
Straps: If an ELS drive is
master only, use DS
master with slave, DS or, DS and SP in some cases
slave, no strap
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Information for RO 3008A and RO 3009A series hard disk drives:
Drive Types
Model Cyls Hds Sectors/Trk No. blocks Formatted Cap.
------- ---- --- ----------- ---------- --------------
RO3058A 868 3 34 88,536 45.33 MByets
RO3088A 868 5 34 147,560 75.55 MByets
RO3095A 923 5 34 156,910 80.33 MByets
RO3128A 868 7 34 206,584 105.77 MByets
RO3135A 923 7 34 219,674 112.47 MByets
RO3059A 217 15 28 91,158 46.67 MByets
RO3089A 325 15 28 136,737 70.00 MByets
RO3129A 492 15 28 206,645 105.80 MByets
RO3139A 523 15 28 219,735 112.50 MByets
RO3209A 759 15 28 319,053 163.35 MByets
RO3259A 976 15 28 410,211 210.02 MByets
Link Options
In order to install the Rodime Ro 3000A series drives the dumpers for
the single/dual drive and LED operation on the drive need to be set as
described in the relevant product specification.
I a single drive environment the drive is described as a Master.
In a dual drive environment the drives are described as a Master and a
Slave. This is due to the protocal the takes place between the two drives
when performing diagnostics.
There are four links, LK1, LK2, LK4 and LK5, adjacent to the 40 way
interface connector. They have the following functions and are described
in order as viewed from the end of the drive, with the first jumper
described nearest the 40 way interface connector.
When fitted, this jumper connects the LED drive to pin 39 of the
interface. This allows a LED to be connected to the interface. An
external current limiting resistor needs to be fitted in series with
the LED when this option is selected. The value of the resistor will
be dependant on the LED type chosen but will be in the range of 130
Ohms ot 220 Ohms.
LK1: Dual Drives
This jumper must be fitted when two drives are attached to a single
bus. It fallows communication across the 40 way interface connector,
indicating, to the Master drive, the presence of a Slave.
LK4: Master
When fitted this signifies that the drive jumpered is a Master. If
there are two drives connected on a single bus then only one may be
jumpered in this way.
LK5: IOChRdy
When fitted this connects the IOChRdy signal to the drive, it is
fitted when the drive is used in host systems that have a higher
data transfer rate than the drive i.e. greater than 4 MBytes per
second when using 1:1 interleave. This jumper is not normally
fitted as most hosts transfer at a lower rate than 4 MBytes per
There are four possible Master/Slave configurations in which a drive(s)
may be jumpered:
Master, single drive with LED on interface LK2 & LK4 fitted.
Master, single drive without LED on interface LK4 only fitted.
Master, dual drive without LED on interface LK4 & LK1 fitted.
Slave, dual drive without LED on interface No jumpers fitted.
Master, dual drive with LED on interface LK4, LK1 & LK2 fitted.
Slave, dual drive with LED on interface LK2 only fitted.
The Master drive will delay power-up for approximately two seconds to
reduce power surges in applications where dual drives are used.
The other connections for a LED will be found close to the 28 way
connector at the other end of the drive. This LED driver is not affected
by the link options. An internal current limiting resistor is on the
drive for this LED driver. Refer to the product specification for further
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CYL hd Sectors
SHD-3101A 776 8 33 (100 MB) (MB = 1024 bytes)
SHD-3061A 977 7 17 (56.76 MB)
SHD-3062A 917 15 17 (114 MB)
for drive SHD-3101A, SHD-3061A and SHD-3062A
2 drives
Jumper 1 drive Master Slave
ACT J (1) (1)
J = Jumpered
NJ = No Jumpered
(1) In a two-drive system,it is possible to drive one LED
with both drives. An external current limiting resister is required
(2) If the drive is connected to a host that requires that the - DIRVE SLAVE
PRESENT be supplied from the slave drive via the interface signal -
HOST SLV/ACT, then this jumper must be installed, the ACT jumper must
not be installed because the two jumpers are mutually exclusive
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There is a list of most Seagate HD (including MFM, SCSI, ESDIand IDE) on
every Simtel mirror under
It contains info about the following drives:
st1144a st138a st274a st3283a
st1057a st1156a st1400a st280a st351ax
st1090a st1162a st1401a st3051a st9051a
st1102a st1186a st1480a st3096a st9077a
st1111a st1201a st157a st3120a st9096a
st1126a st1239a st2274a st3144a st9144a
st1133a st125a st2383a st325ax
additional info:
ST3243A 204 MB Cyl/Hd/spt 1024/12/34
ST351AX 41 MB 820/6/17
ST9235A 200 MB 985/13/32
and also...
pd1: (on SIMTEL mirrors)
1SGATHTX.ZIP Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
This is a concise and complete source of information for all hard disks
that Seagate makes, including MFM, RLL, IDE, and SCSI types. This
information includes:
Detailed technical specifications for each drive
Switch and Jumper settings for each drive (more than just settings
for BIOSs and low--level formatting routines)
Miscellaneous notes about each drive
This is the most up-to-date information that Seagate provides on its BBS.
It is dated 05/14/93.
This file is a hypertext version of file 1SEAGATE.ZIP and requires
HHV20.ZIP to view it.
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Model: SD-3105
Cyls. Heads Sect/T PreCmp LZone Capacity
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------
Physical 1282 4 40 - - 105021440
BIOS (AMI) 641 8 40 0 0 105021440 (100.2M)
(Award) 926 13 17 0 0 104778752 (99.9M)
(Phoenix) 776 8 33 0 0 104890368 (100.0M)
Connectors and Jumpers:
+----+ 1 Jumper Function
|....| +---+ +-------/ /---+ 2 0 0 ON: -ACT selected (ext.LED)
| | |...| |::::::/ /::::| :::: OFF: -SLV PRESENT selected
+----+ +---+ +-----/ /-----+ 3 1 1 ON: Two HDD's
J2 J7 40 J1 ---- OFF: Single HDD
Power (Power) Signal Jumpers 2 ON: Master (/Single)
OFF: Slave (with 2 units used)
3 ON: -I/O CH RDY not output
OFF: -I/O CH RDY is output
Master Slave Settings:
Jumper no.: 1 2
Single....: 0 1 1, ON = jumpered
Master....: 1 1 0, OFF = not jumpered
Slave.....: 1 0
Return to Table of Contents
cap Cyl Hd spt
MK1122FC 41 977 2 43
MK2024FC 82 977 4 43
MK2124FC 124 934 16 17
MK2224FC 203 684 16 38
MK234FCH 101 845 7 35
Toshiba MK 234FCF.
845 Cyl
7 Head
0 Pre
845 LZ
35 Sectors
101 Size
The jumpers settings I got from Toshiba. They refer to
connector PJ10, the 1st being the pair of pins closet to the
outside of the drive and the 6th being the pair closest to
center of the drive.
configuration jumpers on
------------ ----------
single drive 1st and 3rd
master w/ slave 1st, 3rd, and 4th
slave 1st
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Western Digital
Caviar series:
Name Size (Mb) Cylinders Heads Sectors
WDAC140 40.7 980 5 17
WDAC280 81.3 980 10 17
WDAC1170 163 1010 6 55
WDAC2120 119.0 1024 14 17
WDAC2170 162.7 1010 6 55
WDAC2200 202.8 989 12 35
WDAC2250 244 1010 9 55
WDAC2340 325.4 1010 12 55
WDAC2420 405.6 989 15 56
> My 1st HD was a Quantum (LPS) 105AT (I assume th LPS, as I haven't any
> docs.)
> >LPS 105AT 105 17 755 16 17
> The second was a Western Digital Caviar 340Mb:
> >WDAC2340 325.4 1010 12 55
> Using the information from your document, I set up the Quantum as master
> and the WDC as slave. This worked fine most of the time, but when booting
> sometimes HDD-controller errors occured. When I switched the drives (WDC
> as master, Quantum as slave) it worked perfectly, as has done ever since.
Manufacturer: Western Digital
Serie: Caviar
Name: WDAC2420
Size(Mb): 405.6
Cylinders: 989
Heads: 15
Sectors: 56
(uses dynamic translation)
Jumpers: CP MA SL
The drive runs as a slave with a WDAC2200 as master just fine.
Please note that these are the *recommended* CMOS parameters. All the disks
support so-called dynamic translation, and should thus be able to work with
any parameters having fewer sectors than the total number of sectors on
the disk.
Now, according to the manual, the jumper settings are as follows:
Jumper CP MA SL
Single 0 0 0
Master 0 1 0
Slave 0 0 1
Slave with Conner CP342 or CP3022 1 0 1
Maybe there are 2 kinds of Caviar's floating around:
If your jumpers read MA SL and SI then use:
Jumper SI MA SL
Single 1 0 0
Master 0 1 0
Slave 0 0 1
There have been reported difficulties in using WD Caviar as Master and
NEC drives as slave - the other way it works.
> When I installed a Conner CP3204F (203 MB) as master and a WD Caviar 2200
> (203 MB) as slave, both with and without the "CP" jumper, the Caviar had
> seemingly normal behaviour. However, when doing writes to the Caviar, once
> in a while it would overwrite directories etc. Using FASTBACK was almost
> impossible.
> The workaround is to install the Caviar as the master, and the Conner
> as the slave.
> I had a WD pirana 4200 (212 mb) IDE drive and added a Caviar 2340 (341 mb)
> drive. No matter what I did with the CMOS settings, as soon as I define
> the D drive (as anything) and rebooted, it would hang for about 2 minutes
> and then report "D: drive failure". I am using an intelligent IDE controller
> since my AMI bios was too old to support IDE drives.
> The fix was to call the 4200 the slave and the 2340 the master.
> All has been working fine since then.
WD93044-A (40 MB)
977 cyln, 5 heads, 17 sect, LZone: 977
+-------+ +---+---+---+ 1: drive is master
| cable | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2: drive is slave
+-------+ +---+---+---+ 3: second drive is a conner-drive
No jumper set: this is the only drive.
40 MB
Cyl 782
Heads 4
s/track 27
Jumper not known; try settings for WD93044-A
WDAH260 60MB Cyl/Hd/spt 1024 7 17
WDAH280 82MB 980 10 17
WDAP4200 202MB 987 12 35
Western Digital Caviar 31200 Hard Drive:
Drive Jumper Settings:
J2 J8 J3
39 1 531
+--------------------+ +-----+ +_________+
|....................| | ... | / \
|..........o.........| | ... | | O O O O |
+--------------------+ +-----+ +---------+
40 2 642
0 == J2 pine 20 keyed
J8 Settings:
| __. | Single Drive
| ... | (Neutral Position)
531 531
+-----+ +-----+
| |.. | Master Drive | .|. | Slave Drive
| |.. | (Dual Drives) | .|. | (Dual Drives)
+-----+ +-----+
642 642
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Useful telephone numbers...
BBS: 408-456-4415
Talk info: 1-800-426-6637
FaxBack: 408-456-4903
The "Talk info" number above is now a Fax-on-demand system. Very nice,
considering both the incoming call and outgoing fax are paid for by them!
You can also speak with a human for technical assistance at this number.
(Conner Europe (in UK) ; +44 628 777277 (voice)
+44 628 592801 (fax))
Info/tech support: 800-262-9867
FAX-back: 303-678-2618
BBS: 303-678-2222
They list their 800 number as 1(800)2-MAXTOR.
408-944-0410 (Support)
408-894-3218 (FAX)
408-894-3214 (BBS)
Info/tech support: 408-438-8222
FAX-back: 408-438-2620
BBS: 408-438-8771
Western Digital:
Info/tech support: 714-932-4900
U.S. 1200/2400 714-753-1234
U.S. 9600 714-753-1068
France 1200/2400 ..-331-69-85-3914 (? French code is 33 not 331)
Germany 1200/2400 ..-49-89-922006-60
U.K. 1200/2400 ..-44-372-360387
The US Toll free number for Western Digital tech support is
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