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Connecting with Mac OS

Here is the best way to connect to DCN: 
  • PPP connection - allows use of the Macintosh's graphical interface, and lets you run several PPP applications at one time. Requires System 7+. 

Getting the right software:

  • To establish a PPP connection you need special software. This will soon be available on the DCN website for download, or stop by Omsoft to pick it up. 

Configuring Macintosh PPP Connections:

  • There are two parts to configuring your Macintosh to the new dial up number. These instructions are for use with the MAC TCP and CONFIG PPP programs. If you are using FREE PPP, please replace it with CONFIG PPP. FREE PPP does not work too well with the new 56kbps-modem bank. However, it will run Netscape Navigator and its associated programs, so if you would like to keep FREE PPP, the configuration information will be available on the DCN website soon. As well, CONFIG PPP will soon be available on the DCN website, and more specific instructions for switching from FREE PPP to CONFIG PPP will be provided. 
    Part 1 
    • Start by going to your CONTROL PANELS and clicking on MAC TCP, then highlight the PPP or MACPPP icon with one click of your mouse, and then click MORE 
    • In the box following CLASS, select C 
    • In the OBTAIN ADDRESS field select Server Assigned Address
    • In the box titled DOMAIN NAME SERVER INFORMATION enter:
    • cwnet.com for the DOMAIN
    • for the IP ADDRESS, click the round button to make this the default
    • Click OK to close the MACTCP configuration panel and proceed to part 2
    Part 2 
    • Start by going to your CONTROL PANELS and clicking on CONFIG PPP, then click CONFIG
    • Set the FLOW CONTROL box to CTS&RTS (DTR)
    • Set the phone number to 298-0060
    • Make sure your MODEM INIT is set to: 
    • AT&F for 14.4k or lower speed modems
    • AT&F1 for 28.8k and 33.6k modems
    • AT&F2 for 56k modems
    • Next, click on CONNECT SCRIPT. The new settings for the connect script box are shown below, please record your existing configuration. Here is the information that needs to be included, a more complete diagram of the connect script box is available in the Technical/Software Changes mailer, and will be soon available in the DCN tech help area. 
    Wait Timeout: 40 Sec             <CR> 
    out                                             x 
    wait                 ogin: 
    out                  (DCN username) x 
    wait                 ssword: 
    out                  (DCN password) x 
    out                   ppp                     x 

Establishing a PPP connection:

  1. Open the "Config PPP" Control Panel.
  2. Click the Open button.
  3. Your modem should dial and connect with the CWNet  modem.
  4. The Config PPP window will indicate that a connection has been established by displaying PPP UP.

Ending your PPP connection:

  1. Close all your Internet PPP applications (e.g. Netscape, Telnet, Fetch).
  2. Open the Config PPP Control Panel, and click the Hard Close button.
  3. The modem will disconnect in a few moments.

Copyright © 1996, The Davis Community Network
URL: http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/help/instruct-mac.html
Last Revised: August 1, 1997