SOLAS France activities from 2008.

Supported by INSU (LEFE, particularly LEFE-CYBER former called PROOF), ANR, IPEV, CNRS and the Universities belonging the laboratories.

Programs and projects

Related Workshops

DUNE (ANR, 2008-2010)

Responsable (PI) Cécile Guieu (

MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales)

Under the umbrella of the French initiative MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) – an interdisciplinary program initiated in 2008 - two projects are directly related to SOLAS science: ChArMEx (Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment, PI F. Dulac, aims to evaluate current situation of the Mediterranean basin atmospheric environment and to anticipate its future development and its impact on regional climate, air quality, marine and continental biogeochemistry. MerMeX (Marine Mediterranean Experiment) is focused on the biogeochemical changes that will take place in the Mediterranean Sea due to natural changes as well as the socio-economic impacts, and how they will affect marine ecosystems and biodiversity. The large program of environmental measures for MISTRALS projects will take place between 2010 and 2020.The first international MISTRALS Symposium will be held in Malta, spring 2011.


PI émi Losno (

The FLATOCOA project on dust flux over the southern Ocean (Kerguelen Island) started in 2008. The atmospheric total deposition flux and the atmospheric dust concentration are now sampled for 2 years at Kerguelen. In addition, another station run all during 2010 at Crozet Island to assess gradient information on a 1000 km scale. Campaign stopped at the end 2010 and complete results will not be available before end of 2011 because of very long travel and logistic delays. However, the first year is already measured end shows that deposition flux is in agreement with global models.


An International SOLAS Workshop on the “Air-sea gas fluxes at eastern Boundary Upwelling and Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) systems” as part of the Mid-term Strategy Initiative was held during  8-10 November 2010, Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Lima, Peru (More details about the SOLAS OMZs-EBUEs Mid-Term Strategy Initiative can be found here. The meeting, organized by french scientists in conjunction with peruvian ones, was attended by more than 70 scientists from Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, UK, USA, Switzerland. Presentations and discussion were centered around the different focii of SO LAS: Exchange processes across the air-sea interface and processes in the oceanic boundary layer, Long-lived radioactively active gases, Biogeochemical interactions between ocean and atmosphere and covered the state of the art, new results and national programs and perspectives in the broad thematic spectrum associated with EBUEs and OMZs, including the present and past studies in the area, particularly in the Eastern Boundary of the Pacific Ocean. Future research plans will focus on process oriented studies and on coordination optimization of all international research cruises to be held in 2011 until 2013 in the Eastern Boundary Pacific Ocean, particularly off Perú. On the French side, a research project “Activité de recherche dédiée au Minimum d'Oxygène dans le Pacifique tropical sud est (AMOP)” was submitted to the LEFE/CYBER program. The international strategy will be a joint initiative of a multinational (e.g. Chile, China, France, Germany, Mexico, Peru, UK, USA,…), multi-disciplinary and multi-programs Mega Experiment at sea along with science flights for 2014-2015.

IBAO: Iron Biogeochemistry from the Atmosphere to the Ocean.

PI Géraldine Sarthou (

This project is about the role of bioaerosols in the iron biogeochemical cycle. Participant are: Marie Cheize (pHD), Anne-Claire Baudoux (post-doc) and Eva Bucciarelli LEMAR/UMR 6539, Plouzané.

This project postulates that bioaerosols could have an impact on the Fe biogeochemical cycle; especially on the organic speciation of Fe. To investigate this hypothesis, three objectives are defined:

  1. to determine the organic speciation in rainwater samples from contrasted environments.
  2. to study the interactions between atmospheric bacteria and Fe organic speciation in rainwater.
  3. to better understand the chemical behavior of atmospheric Fe once deposited in seawater: considering a biotic and an abiotic approach.
Several links available are here:

Contribution to CARBOCEAN by Nathalie Lefevre

Etude des flux de CO2 a l'interface air-mer dans l'océan Atlantique tropical a partir d'un réseau d'observations CO2 (projets CARBOOCEAN et LEFE CYBER). Deux navires marchands (le Colibri et le Rio Blanco) sont equipes d'un systeme autonome de mesure de fugacite de CO2 (détection infrarouge) dans l'océan de surface. 2 bouees PIRATA (6S, 10W et 8N, 38W) sont equipés d'un capteur CARIOCA et d'une optode Anderaa et transmettent les donnees de CO2 et O2 de l'ocean de surface en temps reel par Argos.  Voir

Contribution to LATEX by Jacqueline Boutin and Lilianne Merlivat

Campagne LATEX (déploiement d'une CARIOCA en méditerrannée occidentale; étude des échanges cote-large, voir Poursuite des études sur les flux air-mer de CO2 et l'activité
biologique dans l'océan sud (suite du programme Carboocean; 1 papier accepté dans GBC:

Barbero, L., J. Boutin, L. Merlivat, N. Martin, T. Takahashi, S. C. Sutherland, and R. Wanninkhof (2010), Importance of water mass formation regions for the air-sea CO2 flux estimate in the Southern Ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, doi:10.1029/2010GB003818, in press.)

MEECE (by Isabelle Dadou)

Upwellings de Bord Est, zone du Benguela, en particulier. Mots clés:

Le site web de ce projet :


Céline Ridame at LOCEAN (upmc) is working on biogeochemical factors controlling N2 fixation and atmospheric inpacts.

Pascal Flament and Karine Deboudt (Université du littoral, Dunkerque) are working on the fine structure of single particles, including carbon and iron layers:

Nicolas Metzl (LOCEAN, University Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS) is working on the CO2 evolution:

You also can read here how a young scientist (Alexie Heimburger) is working hard at the interface between ocean and atmosphere.


A GEOTRACES Mediterranean Planning Workshop took place during 4-6 October 2010 in Nice with goals to plan a GEOTRACES section in the Mediterranean and to setup the SOLAS-GEOTRACES cooperation in the Mediterranean. More than 50 participants met and discussed various aspects of implementing GEOTRACES in the Mediterranean as there is strong interest on trace elements and their isotopes in the Mediterranean Sea, due to the proximity and importance of the ocean-land-atmosphere domains, as well as the variety and intensity of exchanges between these domains.

PAGES Workshop (by Lisa Maddison)

The SOLAS/IMBER Ocean Acidification working group endorsed the PAGES Workshop on Paleo-ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbation Events. The workshop aims to improve the network and interaction between researchers studying the chemical, biological and physical consequences of past carbon cycle perturbations, as well as focus on key questions to improve our knowledge on paleo-ocean acidification and its biogeochemical consequences. Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies (WIES) on Catalina Island, August 26-28, 2010.

French SOLAS History of actions before 2008.